Courage, 2016-2022
Let there be light, Creation Series

Let there be light

Let there be light photographs turn away from external, objective situations to capture abstractions as metaphors for the reality within. Their intriguing textures resembling paintings invite to an introspective, self-reflective dialog.

Through the lenses of Carl Gustav Jung’s psychological concept of individuation, Let there be light depicts a symbolical journey in search for an inner paradise —a call to a courageous step to illuminate an unconscious, shadow aspect of one’s psyche.

Dramaturgically structured in three series – Creation, Delight and Exile – Let there be light leads us through archetypical cycles of ascension, stability and decline. In Jungian terms, they represent the process of shedding light into distressful emotions and behaviors – our shadows – to progressively realize our human potential.


This series depicts a step out of a painful, deceptive comfort zone and into the frightening realm of duality and doubt. It enacts the inner process unleashed by the courageous acknowledgment of uncomfortable emotions signalyzing the necessity of an inner journey to understand them — a decision to illuminate an unconscious, shadow aspect in oneself. A movement that requires discernment and unleashes creative energy.

Courage, 2016-2022
Let there be light, Creation Series
Discernment, 2016-2022
Let there be light, Creation Series
Authenticity, 2016-2022
Let there be light, Creation Series
Equilibrium, 2016-2022
Let there be light, Creation Series
Realization, 2016-2022
Let there be light, Creation Series
Let there be light, Creation Series
Integrity, 2016-2022
Let there be light, Creation Series

Delight (work in progress)

This series examines a state of inner contentment and harmony prevails – a phase of stability, when a shadow aspect has been integrated into the conscious self and turned into potentiality.

Bliss, 2016-2023
Let there be light, Delight Series
Bliss, detail, 2016-2023
Let there be light, Delight Series
Bliss, detail, 2016-2023
Let there be light, Delight Series
Bliss, detail, 2016-2023
Let there be light, Delight Series

Exile (work in progress)

Exile depicts break-off phases in the psyche. Like countless cycles in nature, the economy and history, rising and stable cycles are followed by a phase of instability and decline, which serve the further development of our individuation process. In a continuous renewal cycle leading to deeper individuation and authenticity and a more balanced inner life.